
Welcome to a new website that'll expand over time to discuss Stonehenge and the surrounding landscape. You'll be able to find the latest items under the "Articles" link in the header bar.

I am available for guided walking tours of the Stonehenge landscape and of the monument itself. Please see the link "Need a guide?" in the header bar above. Rates are reasonable, and the itinerary can be tailored to incorporate the aspects that particularly interest you and your group.

You may also want to check out these other Stonehenge-related sites of mine:

Stones of Stonehenge - this site contains a page for every stone at Stonehenge with photos taken from every available angle (including above).

The stones are all numbered according to Flinders Petrie's system so if you're curious about any particular one it should be easy to find. It also categorises the stones by rock type.

Stonehenge Barrow Map - this site plots on a Google Map all the burial mounds that Richard Colt Hoare and William Cunnington investigated in the immediate surroundings of Stonehenge (known as the "Stonehenge Environs") in the early 19th century and lists their modern catalogue numbers alongside RCH's barrow numbering scheme.

Each barrow's marker, when clicked, gives you RCH's description as well as the modern survey description and cross-references to the Historic Environment Record database entry, Scheduled Monument Listing and National Monument Record number.

Photos of the finds discovered within are shown (where available) and the search facility allows you to locate particular ones of interest. So if you want to know which barrows contained fragments of bluestone, just put the word bluestone in the search box. You get the idea.