Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Army Basing Programme - Larkhill

(NB: This post originally appeared on my old Blog. I have reproduced it here as the original website is no longer available - SGB 2025)

The attached PDF comprises my personal comments which I have submitted to the consultation process.

The document analyses the impact of using two of the potential Larkhill development sites on the Summer Solstice Sunrise alignment as seen from Stonehenge.

It provides the historical background for the Larkhill "Sun Gap", shows the current situation and urges the MoD to remove these two particular sites from consideration and instead restore the "Sun Gap" sightline.

Also included are the contact details if you would like to submit your own comments on the MoD proposals before the 1st April 2014.

Since the print media seems to have a slight issue with understanding which sites are involved and what the summer solstice sunrise direction exactly is, I though it worth creating a diagram for them to base any further illustrations upon.

Shown here full size for clarity.

Sunrise Alignment and Larkhill Basing Plan - diagram of solstice direction and problem sites
Sunrise Alignment and Larkhill Basing Plan - diagram of solstice direction and problem sites